Antibiotics are commonly used to treat bacterial and fungal infections. However, the drug injury lawyers at Ferrer Poirot Feller point out that certain antibiotics can put patients at risk of serious injury.

There are several different classes of antibiotics, and each presents a unique risk. The drug Diflucan® has been linked to physical abnormalities in children born to mothers who take the drug while pregnant. Levaquin® has been associated with tendonitis and tendon ruptures, and Zithromax® has been known to result in cardiovascular complications.

Perhaps one of the most recently discovered antibiotic side effect is the risk of a drug-induced liver injuries associated with a class of drugs known as a cephalosporin.

According to Healio, patients using cephalosporin medications can develop a drug-induced liver injury in as little as one dose.

Researchers from The Johns Hopkins University examined the cases of more than 1,200 patients who had suffered drug-induced liver injuries, and they found 41 of the injuries were linked with taking cephalosporin. A total of 19 of those individuals developed the condition after just one dose.

Ferrer Poirot Feller encourages you to discuss the risks of any medication with your doctor or pharmacist prior to taking your first dose. Taking this step can save your life!