Interstitial cystitis is a condition that can cause serious bladder pain. Patients with this condition have been prescribed a medication called Elmiron for decades to help them manage their bladder pain. Unfortunately, this medication has been linked to vision loss in people who take it.

Elmiron can cause a condition called maculopathy, which is an eye disorder that can progress into partial or total vision loss. Of 91 patients studied at Kaiser Permanente in California who had taken 5,000+ Elmiron pills over the course of 15 years, one-quarter of them showed signs of eye damage and drug toxicity.

The risk of vision loss with Elmiron increases with the dosage of the medication. People who begin to experience vision loss from Elmiron may first notice difficulty seeing in low light, difficult seeing objects close up, and difficulty reading. Over time, their vision changes may progress into near or total blindness.

Vision loss and blindness are devastating side effects, and they can result in complete disability and loss of independence for many sufferers. This degree of drug-related complication and injury is unacceptable, regardless of any benefits the medication offers to people suffering from bladder pain.

If you or someone you love suffered vision loss after taking Elmiron, our drug injury lawyers want to help. Contact Ferrer Poirot Feller today for a free consultation.