October 15, 2013

The citizens of the United States depend on the federal government for the safety of the medications and medical devices we use on a daily basis. Since lawmakers have been mired in conflict, resulting in a government shutdown, many citizens have become concerned over who is examining and inspecting the products we are using.

The Drug Injury Lawyers with the law firm of Ferrer Poirot Feller state the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released a statement regarding what the organization would continue to do through the shutdown and what it would not. The FDA would only continue work on matters of public safety and law enforcement. The agency also stated it would engage in any activities that are funded through carryover balances of user fees.

In regards to drug and Defective Medical Device investigations, the FDA has stated that certain submissions will continue to be examined, while others will not.

With certain activities not be performed by the agency during the shutdown, public safety could be put in jeopardy. Both new and old medications may not be properly inspected due to furloughs and budget cuts.

Our team of attorneys recognize the devastating effects the government shutdown could have on public health and is hopeful lawmakers can come to a resolution soon in order to prevent anyone from being harmed.