Getting safe and effective results from medications means taking the correct dosage at specific times of day and making sure the drug isn’t expired.

But those aren’t the only steps patients should take when it comes to their medications. Many drugs are susceptible to reduced effectiveness due to being stored improperly, and medications that aren’t secured can cause serious injuries or illnesses in other people if they’re accidentally ingested or used for recreational purposes.

At Ferrer Poirot Feller , our drug injury lawyers know that certain medications are dangerous enough even when all proper safety protocols are followed. But a whole new host of issues can be encountered when medications aren’t properly stored.

A few important rules of thumb to keep in mind when it comes to medication storage include:

  • Avoid exposing medications to heat, air, light, or moisture—The safest place to store your medications is inside the bottles they were placed in at the pharmacy, hospital, or doctor’s office. Make sure the lid is screwed on tightly, and keep them away from direct sunlight or moisture-rich environments, including bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Keep medications inside locked cabinets or drawers—Many medications can be dangerous when taken by people who don’t need them for health-related reasons, while others can be used recreationally or sold. Never leave medications out in the open. Lock them inside your home or place them inside safes when traveling in hotel rooms.

In addition, you should avoid taking expired medications, as they can be less effective and put your health at risk.

If you or someone you love was harmed by a medication, we’re here to help. Call today for a free consultation.