Search Results: power morcellator cancer
Morcellation Cancer
Power morcellators are used to perform about 50,000 hysterectomy and myomectomy procedures every year. Surgeons use the devices to remove patients’ uteruses or uterine fibroids through small incisions, allowing for faster healing times than traditional surgeries. But studies have shown that morcellators can drastically accelerate the spread of cancer by dispersing slow-growing cancer cells throughout body tissues in the abdominal (more...)
Letter to the FDA Addresses Risks of Power Morcellator Cancer
Controversy continues to swirl around the use of a device known as the power morcellator to remove uterine fibroids from the bodies of women. In 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered doctors and surgeons to discontinue the use of the power morcellator when performing procedures like hysterectomies due to an increased risk (more...)
Power Morcellator Cancer Lawsuits Consolidated Into Multidistrict Litigation
Power morcellators are medical devices that can perform hysterectomies and other medical procedures in a less invasive manner than traditional surgical methods. However, the device lost credibility when it was discovered it can significantly increase the chances of developing cancer in some women. Researchers found that when the morcellator is used, dormant cancerous cells can (more...)