Search Results: Transvaginal mesh failure
Settlement Offered to Victims of Transvaginal Mesh Complications
Many women suffering from conditions like pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence undergo corrective procedures utilizing transvaginal mesh. Many of these patients have suffered transvaginal mesh complications, including pain, swelling, and perforation of organs or tissue. Some patients who suffered injuries filed civil litigation against the makers of the transvaginal mesh products. A large portion (more...)
$73 Million Awarded in Texas Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit
Medical device manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure the safety of the products they bring to the market. Failure to do so can result in costly legal action—including one Texas transvaginal mesh lawsuit that resulted in a $73 million award for the victim. Court documents indicate the 42-year-old victim had transvaginal mesh implanted into her (more...)
FDA Issues Recall On Trans-Vaginal Mesh
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning several months ago regarding the dangers of surgical mesh being used to support organs in women suffering from pelvic prolapse, a condition in which internal body parts, like the bladder and reproductive organs, slip down into the vagina. (more...)