The environments where we live and work can have a significant impact on our health. Some experts contend that personal injury lawyers and the civil justice system play a large part in educating the public about environmental dangers.

The American Association for Justice states that three of the most common environmental injuries include:

  1. Air Pollution- Research shows as many as 50 million Americans live in environments with poor air quality. The heavy metals, chemicals, and toxins expelled from large factories and plants cause much of this pollution. The Clean Air Act was passed to prevent such atrocities from happening, but each year attorneys continue to fight with companies in violation of these laws.
  2. Contaminated Water and Land– More than 49 million Americans live in areas where water and soil contain unsafe materials. While there are as many as 23,000 violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act each year, the federal government only holds 3 percent of violators responsible accountable for their actions.
  3. Toxic Chemicals– Many American workers continue to be exposed to toxic chemicals in industrial environments, and environmental injuries caused by exposure can sometimes take years to develop. For example, some workers develop Mesothelioma decades after exposure to asbestos.

It’s important for those whose lives have been affected by environmental hazards to know that help is available. At Ferrer Poirot Feller , we can help you get back on your feet by guiding you through the processes that are necessary to secure you the compensation you deserve for your injury or illness. Contact us today to discuss your case.