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Settlement Orders GlaxoSmithKline to Pay $3 Billion In Damages

by Staff Blogger | July 3rd, 2012

July 3, 2012 Drug companies have a responsibility to test and report the safety of their products before they go on the market to prevent a drug injury. Failure to do so can result in the drug being pulled from shelves, and possibly, legal action being taken against the company responsible. Take, for instance, the

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Recent Study Uncovers New Health Risks In Taking Birth Control Pills

by Staff Blogger | June 26th, 2012

June 26, 2012 According to NBCDFW 5 News, women who take oral contraceptives may be doubling their risks of heart attacks or strokes by ingesting the medications. The findings were just released in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine and say that the ingredients that cause the increase in risk are

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