On Nov. 5, 2017, daylight saving time will end at 2 a.m., causing clocks to roll back one hour. An extra hour of sleep is a welcome relief for many Americans, but a study shows that it can come with a price. Although most people will wake up to a little more sunlight, their commutes to and from work may be a little more dangerous.
Experts believe that the rise in accidents is linked to less daylight in the evening hours, especially on the Monday following the time change. By the time daylight saving time ends, days are already getting shorter. And with the clocks shifting back one hour, darkness comes much earlier, which can result in many dangerous circumstances and behaviors in drivers.
In addition to poor visibility, the earlier sunset also requires drivers to adjust to changing light conditions, which can lead to accident-causing behaviors. Those behaviors can include speeding or simply being less attentive to other vehicles on the road. Another potential factor is an increased consumption of alcohol, as some people may feel stressed by the time change and drink more than usual.
At Ferrer Poirot Feller , our Dallas car accident lawyers know that the causes of crashes can change from accident to accident. We’re dedicated to helping injured auto accident victims get the compensation they deserve for their medical bills and lost wages, and we know how to build strong claims that get results. Call today for a free consultation.