In order to protect United States consumers from the dangers of suffering a drug injury, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strictly regulates the way medications are marketed. Now, the FDA is stretching its coverage of this field of the medical industry by creating a set of guidelines drug manufacturers should adhere to when posting to social media websites.
The FDA is calling for drug and medical device manufacturers who promote their products via social media to be required to disclose all of the risks a drug or device poses along with its benefits. According to Reuters, companies may also be required to include a link that takes consumers to a webpage that provides a more detailed list of the risks a certain product may pose.
The FDA also provided a set of standards for companies to abide by when attempting to correct misinformation that is being passed along about a product. Companies would be allowed to correct such errors as long as the information that is provided is accurate and not misleading to consumers. A company can also not be held liable for misinformation spread by others.
At the law firm of Ferrer Poirot Feller , our drug injury attorneys want to know what the public’s view on these rules is. Tell us what you think about the proposed changes by posting to our Facebook or Twitter page.