May 13, 2010

One drug company is paying for the drug injuries patients suffered under treatment of one of its drugs.

According to Reuters, GlaxoSmithKline is settling lawsuits brought by patients who sued the company for drug injuries they suffered while taking the company’s drug Avandia.

The amount of the settlements has not been released; however, the patients involved in the suits suffered Avandia drug injuries such as heart attacks, congestive heart failure, and strokes. Others died as a result.

The drug is no longer a major GlaxoSmithKline product due to the controversy around Avandia drug injuries.

Do you think GlaxoSmithKline should be responsible for all the drug injuries associated with Avandia?

Have you suffered Avandia drug injuries or injuries from treatment with other drugs? Let us know about it. The drug injury lawyers at Ferrer Poirot Feller can help you.