Nursing homes often get a bad rap, but many of these facilities are welcoming places where residents receive high-quality care and companionship from staff members and other residents. However, some nursing homes value profit over resident safety and well-being. Nursing homes that fall into that category may be understaffed or staffed with inexperienced caregivers, which can increase the risk of abuse and neglect.

At Ferrer Poirot Feller, our nursing home abuse lawyers believe that mistreatment in nursing homes is unacceptable. When we hear about it, we work hard to help victims and their loved ones get compensation for what they’ve gone through. In many cases, nursing home abuse and neglect victims suffer health effects that can result in expensive medical bills and reduced quality of life.

When we build nursing home abuse claims, we look at all the ways that victims’ lives have been affected for the worse. We include all of those factors into our clients’ claims, and we work hard to ensure that that the nursing homes and insurance companies can’t deny what happened or full compensation to the victims.

If you suspect your loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, we want to help. Nursing home residents nationwide have rights, and when those rights are violated, they have legal rights that they can lean on. Let our team help your family get full compensation. Contact us today for a free consultation.