One of the most tragic stories in American history involves the opioid crisis, which has ravaged entire communities and cities. Beginning in the late 1990s, drug companies began aggressively marketing and recommending opioid-based pain medications to doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies by reassuring them that patients would not become addicted to these powerful drugs.

This reassurance and aggressive marketing plan led to significant increases in prescriptions—and subsequent addictions. Eventually, millions of Americans became dependent on opioid-based pain relievers, and more than 750,000 have died due to overdoses since pharmaceutical companies began aggressively recommending that doctors prescribe them.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the opioid crisis costs the U.S. nearly $80 billion in total economic burden each year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement. The sheer impact of this crisis is difficult to fathom, and it shows no signs of stopping.

But thankfully, the manufacturers of these drugs are finally being held liable for the damage and deaths they’ve caused. In November 2020, four major drug companies that manufacture opioids agreed to a $26 billion settlement. Considering the past, current, and future costs related to this epidemic that they created, this settlement may be just the beginning of their liability.

At Ferrer Poirot Feller , our drug injury lawyers are here to help victims and families whose lives were impacted by highly addictive and potentially fatal opioid-based medications. Contact us today for a free consultation and to find out how we can help you get the money you deserve.