February 5, 2013
With Texas ranking among the worst states in the nation for highway safety, the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety are continuing to push the state to adopt legislation that would make the state’s roadways less dangerous.
News Channel 10 explains that the group recently issued a report that concluded roughly 10 percent of the nation’s traffic fatalities occurred in Texas. This resulted in a seven percent increase in Texas Auto Accident fatalities from 2011 to 2012.
Experts believe the high number of deaths could be attributed to the state falling behind on implementing measures to promote highway safety. One of the examples given was the state adopting one of the highest speed limits in the nation on a portion of toll road that was recently opened. Drivers can now legally travel at speeds up to 80 mph.
The advocacy group also pointed out the state lacks several key components in the law books that would stiffen restrictions on teen drivers, and therefore, create a safer driving environment for these at-risk motorists. Officials added Texas should adopt a law requiring ignition interlock systems to be installed in the vehicle of anyone who is caught driving drunk.
The Dallas Personal Injury Attorneys with Ferrer Poirot Feller are hopeful these conclusions will be used to promote improving the safety of the state’s roads through tougher legislation and better public education about dangerous behaviors behind the wheel.