Medical devices and products are supposed to improve symptoms, decrease pain, and increase mobility for people who suffer from a variety of health problems and conditions. And while most medical devices are safe, some pose unnecessary risks to patients due to design flaws and low-quality components.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires that medical device and product manufacturers thoroughly test their products before they release them to the medical and consumer markets, but that doesn’t always happen. The research and development costs for medical devices can be enormous, and manufacturers are eager to see big returns on their investments. That means they may either skip important testing phases, or they may withhold information that indicates their products could be dangerous.
If you or someone you love was injured by a defective medical device, it’s important that you speak with an experienced law firm. The companies that manufacture medical devices are well-prepared for potential claims, and they aggressively fight back against anyone who pursues compensation for injuries and complications associated with their products.
At Ferrer Poirot Feller , we know defective medical device claims inside and out, and we aren’t afraid to go toe-to-toe with billion-dollar corporations. Our defective medical product lawyers can collect evidence that proves your injuries were caused by your medical device, and we can also prove the manufacturer knew the risks that patients like you would face. Contact us today for a free consultation.