t’s a sad reality, but women, men, and children across the United States and around the world are victims of sex trafficking. The CDC defines sex trafficking as “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.” Sex trafficking is a crime and devastates the victims as well as their families and communities.

At Ferrer Poirot Feller, we stand against sex trafficking of every kind, and we’re here to seek justice for those who have been traumatized by sex traffickers and all manner of sexual abuse and predatory acts.

People At Higher Risk for Trafficking

Victims of sex trafficking come from all backgrounds, but traffickers often target the poor and those living in unsafe locations. Some who are most vulnerable include:

  • Those who have suffered childhood abuse or neglect
  • Children in the foster-care system
  • The homeless
  • Racial and ethnic minorities
  • Members of the LGBTQ community
  • Disabled people
  • Migrant workers

These are just some members of our community vulnerable to the predatory grip of sex traffickers.

Signs of Sex Trafficking

Regardless of a person’s background, victims suffer from many physical and psychological issues. From poor living conditions to lack of nutrition to the physical attacks from their abusers, sex trafficking is devastating to victims.

Where you may encounter a victim of sex trafficking can vary. Many businesses run trafficking operations right out of their buildings, and it’s not always obvious what’s going on. Someone you know just might be a victim.

Here are a few signs that may suggest someone is a victim of sex trafficking:

  • Bruises and cuts
  • Poor hygiene or dental health
  • Avoids eye contact
  • Won’t speak for themselves

These are just a few of the red flags to help you pick up on signs that something is seriously wrong. If you suspect that someone in your community is the victim of sex trafficking, contact the local police for help.

We Hold Sex Traffickers Accountable

The global impact of human trafficking is more than anyone can wrap their head around. At Ferrer Poirot Feller, we will not back down from these individuals and businesses involved in sex trafficking.

If you’ve been the victim of sex trafficking or are concerned for someone else, reach out to our team of sex trafficking victim attorneys today. We want to hear your story and fight for the justice and compensation you or your loved one deserves.

We provide a free consultation with our compassionate and caring team. Don’t hesitate to call today.